Day 78: The Alone Syndrome

Fresh Air

Being alone came sometimes be a sad state to be in. Introverts might disagree, but for most people who have been in quarantine for 78 days they might want to get out into the fresh air and visit friends.

Meeting Done Virtual

That said, it is extraordinary how easy it has been to adapt a Zoom lifestyle. As I’ve mentioned, even club meetings that I attend are done with the Brady Bunch block layout.

Technology and You

So is being lonely relative to your relationship with technology?

Day 19: Will it Ever Stop?

Still a Long Way to Go?

Earlier tonight my 11 year old daughter was asking me when it would be over? When we could go outside? She even made a joke about having the last name “Frank.”

Are Voters Involved?

I had to tell her that no one knew when we could go out. Not the doctors and definitely not the president. She asked me if he was talking about ending the mandate on or about Easter to please the religious vote?

It Comes Down to One Question

The irony is that time is flying by quickly for all three of us, yet the lingering question always is: “Will it ever stop?”

Day 16: Don’t Touch Your Face

Don’t Touch

So what they tell us about the Coronavirus is to not touch our nose. Not touch our lips. Not touch our eyes. Don’t touch your face. This is especially true when traveling in a New York City subway, which I haven’t been on for weeks. Imagine all the hands that have touched the rail that you’re holding on to. Maybe their palms were a little sweaty. Maybe they had early COVID-19. Then you touch the same rail next touching your nose or touching your lips or touching your eyes. You get the picture.

Cooped Up

Today, day 16 I haven’t been outside since Day 5 of this journal. 11 days without going outside. The closest to the outdoors I’ve gotten is going downstairs to our apartment’s entry area where are PO Box is and where delivery people leave our packages. It used to be they would come to your door. No longer. They leave your packages downstairs. Sometimes they don’t even do that and claim you weren’t home when they came by and you were at home actually. The guess is they didn’t even bother to come to the building at all. But they aren’t to be put down. Now they’re called our heroes.

Day 14 and 15: Living a Life with Restrictions

I didn’t put up a Coronavirus post yesterday because I took the day off to think. As well as to finish up a project I’ve been working on for a while. An eBook about a subject matter that’s close to my heart.

And now refreshed from time off, I have some perspective on what we’re all going through right now on this planet. Life is never going to be quite the same for a long while.

Even if a cure and vaccine are uncovered, folks are going to be a little gun shy. We’ve discovered that we can do a lot of things virtually that we never thought about doing in this manner pre-COVID-19. Some of that is going to remain with us or maybe even have the opposite impact of causing us to have a complete rejection of technology.

Day 11: The COVID-19 Punch

If only it was as easy as a punch. On the one hand some of the information coming in is optimistic.  But through a certain pipeline to hear some of the behind closed doors chats, a different set of opinions surface. These are some of the greatest minds in medicine and specialists in this area. They see a most terrifying picture, where a cartoon punch doesn’t even register. Where social distance is not such a clean break.

Day 5 – Coronavirus Getting Closer to Home

Getting Closer and Closer

The Coronavirus keeps getting closer and closer to home. It encroaches a little more, bit by bit, to me and my family. The latest is that my 11 year old daughter won’t be physically going to school tomorrow. Instead, she is participating in a full day of school via her ChromeBook computer. We are told this is only a test preparing for what could be a need, but currently is not.


Although it is a bit disconcerting, I do respect the school for preparing for the worst. It should be interesting tomorrow because my daughter will be doing a full day of school from home.

Still Going to the Office

I am lucky in that I do my work from home and yesterday my wife worked from home also. But today she is actually going to her office in midtown. I am leery of this because things keep just getting worse and worse and since this is New York City , she will be smashed in on the subway by people prone to sneezing and coughing. She will be staying home tomorrow though. Doing an entire day of work via computer side by side with me and our daughter.