Day 98: Trying to Avoid the Need of Medical Professionals

Good Health

My 11 year old daughter pointed out to me yesterday that she is the only one who has truly been in quarantine for nearly 100 days because when either myself or my wife brings downstairs (in a mask of course) the eco items like bottles and plastics, each of us steps outside momentarily to reach the bin. My daughter is correct. This is true. We have been outside. Be it only a matter of seconds. Hopefully getting a few moments of sun for Vitamin D. My daughter has on her side, thankfully, is in youthful good health and does not need the sun as much as we do.

Working Toward Not Needing

The trick is to avoid the need of medical professionals. Why? Because of course that we are in lockdown and can’t go out. And members of the medical profession have largely not been doing check ups. Though, from what I’ve heard, dentists are back at this point. This is good because I keep getting pains in my teeth. But I work toward not needing doctors of any kind.

The Moral

Yet, that said, I have a tele-meeting later today with my doctors as a kind of check-in. What is the moral of this story? Try to avoid the need of medical professionals.