Day 96: Commitment to Health

Family Carnivores

Day 96 has us only being aware of those outside of our apartment when we hear and participate in the cheering for medical and essential workers across the neighborhood. Once in a while we look out of our window and see those below. But for the most part we are inside in our quiet living environment. Though, one thing we are committed to is health. We do our best to eat good foods. I am the vegetarian in the family and my wife as well as our 11 year old daughter are carnivores.

More than Just Potatoes

I am happy that my wife and our daughter are meat eaters. For the longest time it was difficult to get our daughter to eat food with protein and other desirable qualities for nutrition. When we introduced meat into her diet she took to it quickly including chicken, turkey and beef. I know there are issues with eating meat, but we were so happy that our daughter was finally eating something of more substance than just potatoes, we went with it.

Commitment to Health

And now when I do the ordering of the food for my family I include these meat items. The way we got our daughter to further eat good things was through adding side vegetables on the meat plate. What do I eat? Not enough of the good stuff quite frankly. My diet could use some going over. In theory I’d like to be eating lots of vegetables. My brother from across the country suggested having cut up vegetables available to munch on. Sometimes I do this, but all too often I do not. I need to be more committed to health!